Scarbee bass mm
Scarbee bass mm

scarbee bass mm

So by using an updated version of the original bass -which has a mellower tone as body is smaller, pickup magnets are Ceramic (original bass had Alnico magnets) and preamp Therefore the bass sound I was looking for was the one I heard out of the speakers -the processed sound. The songs had sometimes been through more than one mastering session and the sound of the instruments changed for each mastering. I know exactly what bass was used on songs -and that the strings were totally worn-out roundwound strings, but when you deal with sounds your ears are more important than pure facts. The truth is I didn’t use the exact same bass as we knew was on the beloved recordings from the 70s. However, the instrument we used was an excellent and expensive american bass - an updated but classic sound. Since we have no special agreement with the company that manufactured the sampled bass we will not mention the trademarked name or show pictures of the bass. )XUWKHUPRUH WKH VFULSW HQDEOHV \RX WR FRQƂJXUH DOO VHWWLQJV LQFOXGLQJ (4 ORDG DQG VWRUH ) presets, and access documentation covering every aspect of the instrument directly through the instrument performance view.ġ Ensures correct string selection even if the chord notes don’t arrive at exactly the same time, and that theĮDVH QRWH RI D FKRUG LV SOD\HG ZLWK LQGH[ ƂQJHU ZKLOH WKH RWKHU QRWHV DUH SOD\HG ZLWK PLGGOH ƂQJHU VDPSOHVĢ Not completely random because it is intelligent enough to take into account on which strings/frets and for which velocities pickup hits are most likely to occur. Ř Random alternation between three different types of release samples Ř $OWHUQDWLRQ EHWZHHQ LQGH[ DQG PLGGOH ƂQJHU Ř A fretboard display updated dynamically as you play It features a sophisticated script which takes care of many things automatically for you, for example: It should be noted that MM-Bass is much more than just a collection of samples. This results in a very rich sound with all the natural overtones.

#Scarbee bass mm full#

The full strings of the bass have been sampled in order to reproduce the timbre changes that occur when you move between low and high frets on the string of a real bass. Except for the trills and cross hammering you can trigger all of the articulations and techniques above without the need for any key switches. MM-Bass was designed to make it very easy to use all these while playing live. Ř Multiple sets of release samples: loose, tighter and tight. Ř Slides (in most any speed you could want) It features an extensive set of playing techniques, for example: ħKH 6FDUEHH 00 %DVV ZDV UHFRUGHG ZLWK ƃDWZRXQG VWULQJV WR JHW WKH ZDUP DQG FUHDP\ VRXQG RI WKH V GLVFR DQG IXQN EDVV OLQHV DQG ', WR JLYH PD[LPXP ƃH[LELOLW\ LQ WKH VRXQG production. Help.ĭifferences Between MM-Bass, Pre-Bass, and Red Bass. Index and Middle Finger Alternation.Įxtended Hammer-on/Pull-off.Ĭross Hammering.Ĭhords.Ĭhord Slides.

scarbee bass mm scarbee bass mm

Pickup Clap.Īutomatically Triggered Samples. Thomas Hansen Skarbye – The Bassist and Producer.

scarbee bass mm

6.1 Index and Middle Finger Alternationįoreword (by Nile Rodgers).2.2 Thomas Hansen Skarbye – The Bassist and Producer.

Scarbee bass mm